Our Shelby location will be closed on Friday, Sept. 13th.  Thanks for your flexibility.  —– Fall Allergy Season is here & we are experiencing a larger call volume.  We apoolgize for any wait time.  Please remember, you can schedule your own appointment online.  

Can Allergies Be Cured?

Many times when we receive a diagnosis we are given medications which can help our body heal and, with time, we are sometimes cured. Yet allergy medications work only for symptom control.This may have you wondering, are allergies curable? Is there a treatment you’re missing?Why Are Allergies so Hard to Cure?Why is it that allergies...

How Do I Know If I Have a Dust Mite Allergy?

Springtime has officially arrived, which means it’s prime allergy season. You may rely on over-the-counter or even prescription medication to get you through, but this year has been different. You’re still taking your medication, but you can’t seem to stop itching, sneezing, and feeling congested.

Why Adults Develop Allergies

CAAC-FB-Ads-Allergy-Proof-Your-Home-1How Do Adult Onset of Allergies Happen?Just like childhood allergies, we do not completely understand why some people develop allergies and others don’t.  We do know there are complex genetic and environmental factors involved.  Scientists have proposed theories about why allergies occur including the “hygiene hypothesis” that attributes allergic disease in part to the use...

How To Keep Your Seasonal Allergies In Check

Warm weather is here and residents of Charlotte are looking forward to enjoying outdoor activities, such as swimming, playing tennis, golf, sailing, hiking. But all of this can be interrupted if you are one of many who suffer from seasonal allergies (hay fever).Some Charlotte residents see changing weather as a time of sniffling, sneezing, itchy...

How To Get Relief From Common Allergies

When your body is exposed to a substance that your immune system doesn’t recognize, your immune system sends out an alert that an abnormal and threatening element is invading your body. What your immune system is experiencing is its reaction to an allergen you have inhaled or ingested. Allergens, also known as allergy triggers, are...

Kids and Food Allergies

Did you know that 1 in 13 children have food allergies? Yes, it’s true. Sometimes, narrowing down which foods your child may be allergic to can be tough, so, we’ve put together a list of common food allergies and symptoms along with other helpful information:

Do I Have Hay Fever Or Allergies?

Are you sneezing all the time? Do your eyes itch? Perhaps your mouth or skin also are itchy. If you answered yes, it is likely that you have a medical condition known as allergic rhinitis. Don’t panic, allergic rhinitis is just a medical term for the common affliction known as hay fever. In fact, estimates...

How to Choose an Allergy Physician

Have Allergies? Need an Allergist?Do you suffer from colds that are unusually long? Do you experience sneezing, congestion, & itchy eyes during spring and fall? Have you recently bought a body lotion that if you use gives you a rash? Does your child break out in hives following eating certain foods? Have you gotten an...

Do I Have Pinkeye or an Allergy?

Is There a Difference Between Pinkeye and Allergies?Both are forms of a common kind of eye infection known as conjunctivitis which is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is found on the white of the eye and inside the eyelid and focuses on moistening the eyes. Besides allergic conjunctivitis and pinkeye (bacterial conjunctivitis), there...