The Concord Shot Room will close at 4pm on 11/26.  Please arrive by 4pm on the days specified to receive your shot.  Thank you for your flexibility!

Allergy Shots Pros & Cons

allergy shot serumAn overview of allergy shots, how they work, and if they are right for youAllergy shots, also known as allergen immunotherapy, are a form of treatment for allergies. They involve receiving injections of a small amount of the allergen that causes your symptoms, gradually increasing the dose over time. The goal of allergy shots is...

Kade Gets an Allergy Shot!

Kade-photoOur awesome, energetic friend Kade wants to show you how to get an allergy shot at Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center. He and his family created this informative video on what it is like to get a shot. Watch to see the process and just how easy it is! Many thanks to Kade and his...

What is Anaphylaxis? Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & More

CAAC-FB-Ads-Allergy-Proof-Your-HomeMost have heard of allergic reactions, but few understand the characteristics of the most serious and life-threatening allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), anaphylaxis is a common occurrence in the United States. This life-threatening allergic reaction was found to be present in about one of every...

Can Allergies Be Cured?

Many times when we receive a diagnosis we are given medications which can help our body heal and, with time, we are sometimes cured. Yet allergy medications work only for symptom control.This may have you wondering, are allergies curable? Is there a treatment you’re missing?Why Are Allergies so Hard to Cure?Why is it that allergies...

How To Get Relief From Common Allergies

When your body is exposed to a substance that your immune system doesn’t recognize, your immune system sends out an alert that an abnormal and threatening element is invading your body. What your immune system is experiencing is its reaction to an allergen you have inhaled or ingested. Allergens, also known as allergy triggers, are...