Our Pollen Counter is down this week, but we hope to have it back ASAP!! We are already starting Spring Allergy Season. ——— New patient appointments often available within the week depending on the location.

Understanding the Differences Between Flu, Allergy, Cold, and COVID-19 Symptoms

woman with Covid Mask on. Covid vs. Flu vs. cold vs. allergiesDistinguishing between flu, allergy, cold, and COVID-19 symptoms is crucial for several reasons. First, knowing what you’re dealing with can help you ensure you’re effectively treating and managing your symptoms. Additionally, you’ll be able to avoid infecting others if you’re contagious. Not only can failing to treat the correct illness leave you suffering from symptoms...

Charlotte, NC: A Haven for Winter Allergies

puppy and pet allergy free girl napping on couchDid you know that allergies occur year-round and winter allergies can be as severe as spring and summer allergies? In Charlotte, North Carolina mild winters and sizzling summer days are no relief for allergy sufferers during the winter months. It’s pretty much always allergy season around here.In order to manage these allergies effectively and enjoy...

Pollen & Mold Counter: Daily Allergy Information

FEATURED blog post imgAlmost everyone has experience with allergies and some people's allergies are more serious than others. And, almost everyone’s allergies vary in their severity. You’ll likely experience more symptoms during the spring, for example, when common outdoor allergens such as pollen are more common. Even that will vary, however. Allergies caused by pollen, mold, and other...

When Does Pollen Season End in Charlotte, NC?

flowersMany people love spring because it means longer days, warmer weather, and the end of a dreary winter.  Except whenever you go outdoors, you start sneezing like crazy. Not only that, but your eyes get red and watery, your nose is runny, and you feel like you can barely breathe.For many people, this is the...

Allergy and Asthma Tips to Help You Enjoy the Holiday Season

chritsmasboy-scaledIf you have asthma and/or allergies, you might be a little hesitant to fully engage in all the holiday cheer. While family and friends are out merrymaking, you must wonder, will scented candles or the smell of pine from a Christmas tree trigger your asthma or allergies? Or if you have food allergies, are there...

Tips for Surviving Spring Allergies in Charlotte

flowersWhen we think of spring, we think of flowers blooming, nice weather, outdoors, sports. Many Charlotte residents agree it’s our most beautiful time of year! However, for nearly one-third of you, spring is not enjoyable due to spring allergies.If you are one of over 40 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies or asthma, spring can...

Do I Have Hay Fever Or Allergies?

Are you sneezing all the time? Do your eyes itch? Perhaps your mouth or skin also are itchy. If you answered yes, it is likely that you have a medical condition known as allergic rhinitis. Don’t panic, allergic rhinitis is just a medical term for the common affliction known as hay fever. In fact, estimates...

Dr. Patel Interviewed About Allergy Season on WBTV

Check out this news segment on Charlotte television station WBTV, in which our own Dr. Roopen Patel speaks about the fast-approaching allergy season and how people can cope with associated symptoms, including rhinitis.